
Base pose
Flyer pose
About the Pose
Mermaid and King Pigeon (click here) are two similar and great poses. The base will need to assure stability, while the flyer will play with her body around!
The same process to get into them with a slight difference in the flyer position! As always, practice both sides, even if you have a preferred bendy body side!
❌Flyers’hip is very important to get into the pose, turn it till you are looking to your bend knee.
❌The transition from Straddle Throne base needs to bend the knees, otherwise is going to be very difficult for the flyer to reach the base legs.
✅ Option 1: easier transition from Straddle Throne. Base bend knees, strong support with hands, flyer release one leg and base place the feet just above the knee (never on it!). From there the flyer turns the hip and enters into Pigeon.
✅ & ➕ Option 2: with a lot of control, base bend slightly one knee to reach the flyer's ankle and help the flyer to turn the hip.
(DISCLAIMER: do now try it pregnant). The picture is just to show you how much you can achieve once you master a skill!
About the Courses
AcroYoga is an amazing way of combining sports (strength, flexibility, balance, mobility) with fun and networking with others, maybe partners, best friends or even a new one!
If something is awake within you as you show pics and videos of AcroYoga, do not be afraid and just try! We have plenty of materials on our website, Youtube and as well Instagram.
Feel free to reach us via email or just direct message on Instagram, we are more than happy to answer your doubts and give you some recommendations to start or continue your journey into AcroYoga and Yoga:
Instagram: @yogitos.zs