
In 2016, we started our Yogitos journey with small steps, which at that time were invisible for us.
This year we left the same country (Austria) but separately, to Barcelona, a place where we went running away from our lives. Zlata moved from her home country to a new one without knowing even a word of the local language. Sergio was moving back to his home country for the second time. But our paths didn’t cross them until some months later in Barcelona…
Our start wasn’t an easy and comfortable ride. We were wasting our precious and young age with parties, not fulfilling encounters, late nights, hangover days… in such a beautiful and engaging city. We drank alcohol almost every day of the week and sometimes crossing too far the border, we smoked cigarettes daily… we were waiting for the weekend, living all week just for the next party, binge, etc. Our diet was not much better, mainly fast ready meals and eating out to apparently unhealthy places. Unconsciously we were spoiling our young bodies and preparing them for a long and fatigued future. We look “healthy” from the outside, thin bodies from the outside but our inside was not so pure.
We both were in apparently good, easy, and lifetime boring jobs in big companies, but with the time we evolve from not disliking it, to detest it, to hate it! One day more at work, was like going voluntarily to a PC's, desktops, and coffee machines… prisons. We were living a passive life, not finding the joy and curiosity about life like a kid.
We had everything, but at the same nothing. We had so many opportunities to live, and we were just sitting on the top of the iceberg of full potential!
But then in April 2016, our ways met each other, and we started to change…
Zlata was a novice/expert, practicing almost two years already and a flexible yogi. Sergio had two classes of experience in the past that were apparently not enough convincing to make him continuing with yoga.
An acroyoga picture was the first seed of this story and our love story. One of our first dates and excuse to date was an acroyoga intensive session in Barceloneta beach. We tried our first acroyoga pose for more than 4 hours until sundown. The next day’s our legs and upper body were completely stiffed. It took us more than 30 hours and many dates more to get a flying pose. But we insisted and trained during days to step by step be a bit further. There was no goal either dream at that time, everything seemed impossible. But the steps were showing off…
For the next two years, we trained almost every day. Either long sessions on the beach or even if it was late and the weather wasn’t good, we were training in the little space that we had in our apartment. It wasn’t always so easy and fun, overall at the beginning, we struggled with some poses and with our physical condition. But we kept going because acroyoga was creating the foundations not only of our body but as well of our relationship. With every lifting, every flight, every training… we were creating an amazing and loving partnership.
Yoga achieved what other things couldn’t, we change our lifestyle automatically as we started to change our practice. We funneled all the previous energy on bad habits that were destroying our lives, into the new ones that were so addictive but much richer and worked amazingly:
* WE stop smoking,
* WE lost more than 20 pounds being already in “good shape”,
* WE changed the 6 am going to bed for the 6 am waking up for sunrise yoga,
* WE changed the alcoholic late drinks for the nice breakfasts at the beach!
* WE changed being influenced by others for inspiring people to change their lifestyle
* WE changed the short days of hangovers for the days being 48 hours long of fun and growth
* WE changed playing along for starting to create our DREAM
* WE changed sitting in front of the teacher for being on the other side of the mats
* WE changed the stiffened backs and muscles for the handstands, headstands & Co.
Yoga was shared with our other passion travel, we did yoga in Barcelona but as well in Croatia, Austria, Italy, Bosnia, France… We changed incredibly in 1 year by putting our focus and willingness for it. A lifestyle change now is more than possible and even more with someone. We love our lifestyle, and we are physically like we were 10 years ago and mentally better than ever.
YOGAEMOTION was made to transform yoga practice in a challenging and physical activity but as well a blissful and open experience. The transformation of the body and the mind is our passion and our biggest wish is to make you a bit stronger and more flexible, and even more important a bit happier. For us seeing you leaving the mat a bit exhausted and challenged but with a smile and big goodbye hug. Because happiness is only real when shared!
See you on the mat,
Founder of Yogitos