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Supported One Legged Crow

Front Plank_edited_edited_edited.png





Base pose

Flyer pose



About the Pose

A good way to play with your Crow. One leg each time or even you could go for a Two Legged Crow!

Add on to Crow, once in the pose, flyer lift one leg up till achieving a straight line. The base just needs to adjust a bit the weight into the hands. Communicate with your partner, about which side are you going to release.

About the Courses

AcroYoga is an amazing way of combining sports (strength, flexibility, balance, mobility) with fun and networking with others, maybe partners, best friends or even a new one!

If something is awake within you as you show pics and videos of AcroYoga, do not be afraid and just try! We have plenty of materials on our website, Youtube and as well Instagram.

Feel free to reach us via email or just direct message on Instagram, we are more than happy to answer your doubts and give you some recommendations to start or continue your journey into AcroYoga and Yoga:

Instagram: @yogitos.zs

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